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World Sailing Cases Search 世帆联案例搜索

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By Match Racing Call Book #:

Search by Scenarios

# of Boats:
Obstructions in Nature:
Location of Incident:
Round The Mark:
The port/starboard relataionship among boats matters:
(Regardless offending RRS10 or not)
The windward/leeward relationship matters:
(Regardless offending RRS11 or not)
The ahead/astern relationship matters:
(Regardless offending RRS12 or not)
Tacking happens, and it might impact R.O.W:
(Regardless offending RRS13, 18.2d, 18.3 or not)
Gybing happens, and it might impact R.O.W:
(Regardless offending RRS18.4 or not)
Leading to Damage / Injury:
Associated with the timing of acquiring R.O.W:
(Regardless offending RRS15 or not)
The R.O.W boat's changing course is a concern:
(Regardless offending RRS16 or not)
Established overlap closely:
(Regardless offending RRS15, 17 or not)
Associated with giving mark room:
(Regardless offending RRS18 or not)
Associated with sailors' physical body movement:
Concerning fairness, ethics or compliance:
Associated with process / procedure:
Wave or current matters:

Search by Rules

Relevant Rules: For instance: "02 14 15", "12 18.2 43.1c", "85 86 J1.2".
(Divide by space ' '. Add '0' in front of rules ID≤10. Lowercase sub-rules without brackets. Uppercase appendix.)
Relevant Definitions: Clear Astern / Ahead and Overlap Finish Keep Clear Mark Mark Room
Obstruction Proper Course Racing Room Rules Sail The Course
Start Sportsmanship Signals 《IRPCAS》 Part2 Preamble

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网站联系:黄山 Shan Huang (NJ, CHNSH2),+86 13922119715,shan@wilsonhuang.cn