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Sailing Race Village


2025~2028 帆船竞赛规则 The Racing Rules of Sailing

规则编号 Rules #

规则索引 Rules Index

比赛信号 Race Signals
定义 Definitions
第一章 Part 1基本规则 Fundamental rules
1安全 Safety
2公平航行 Fair sailing
3参赛的决定 Decision to race
4接受规则 Acceptance of the rules
5约束组织机构和竞赛官员的规则 Rules governing organizing authorities and officials
6世界帆联规章 World sailing regulations
第二章 Part 2船只相遇时 When boats meet
导言 Preamble(正在比赛的船之间适用第2章) The sailing boats meet
10相对舷风(左舷、右舷、左右舷) On opposite tacks
11同舷风、相联(上风、下风、上下风) On the same tack, overlapped
12同舷风、不相联(在前、在后、前后关系) On the same tack, not overlapped
13迎风换舷时 While tacking
14避免接触 Avoiding contact
15获取航行权(成为权利船) Acquiring right of way
16改变航线(权利船主动改变航线) Changing course
17同舷风;正当航线(近距离相联) On the same tack; Proper course
C节导言 Section C(正在起航时) Approaching to start
18绕标空间 Mark-room
19通过障碍物的空间 Room to pass an obstruction
20障碍物旁迎风换舷的空间(呼喊、回应) Room to tack at an obstruction
D节导言 Section D(A节不适用场景) Section A doesn't apply
21起航失误;解脱;帆反受风 Starging errors; Taking penalties; Backing a sail
22倾覆、抛锚或搁浅;救援 Capsized, anchored or aground; Rescuing
23妨碍另外一条船 Interfering with another boat
第三章 Part 3竞赛的实施 Conduct of a race
25竞赛通知、航行细则和信号 Notice of race, sailing instructions and signals
26竞赛起航 Starting races
27起航信号前竞赛委员会的其他行动(航线、移动左侧、AP、N旗) Other race committee actions before the starting signal
28行驶竞赛航线 Sailing the course
29召回(单召、全召) Recalls
30起航惩罚(抢航、I、Z、U、黑旗) Starting penalties
31碰标 Touching a mark
32起航后缩短航线或放弃竞赛(S旗、N旗) Shortening or abandoning after the start
33改变航线的下一航段(C旗) Changing the next leg of the course
34标志丢失(M旗) Mark missing
35竞赛时限和计分 Race time limit and scores
36重新起航或重新竞赛 Race restarted or resailed
37搜救指令(V旗) Search and rescue instructions
第四章 Part 4竞赛时的其他规定 Other requirements when racing
40个人助浮装备 Personal floatation devices
41外部援助 Outside Help
42推进 Propulsion
43免责 Exoneration
44事件发生时的惩罚(解脱) Penalities at the time of an incident
45拖船上岸;系留;抛锚 Hauling out; Making fast; Anchoring
46负责人 Person in charge
47垃圾处理 Trash disposal
48器材和船员的限制 Limitations on equipment and crew
49船员位置;安全护栏 Crew position; Lifelines
50选手的服装与器材 Competitor clothing and equipment
51可移动的压舱物 Movable ballast
52人力 Manual power
53船的表面摩擦 Skin friction
54前支索和前帆角 forestays and headsail tacks
55升帆和操帆 Setting and sheeting sails
56雾中信号与灯光;分道通航制 Fog signals and lights; Traffic separation schemes; Tracking systems
第五章 Part 5抗议、补偿、审理、品行不端和上诉 Protests, redress, hearings, miscount and appeals
60抗议 Protests
61补偿 Redress
62后援人员 Support persons
63审理 Conduct of hearings
64自由裁量的判罚 Discretionary Penalties
65法律责任与费用 Legal liability and costs
69品行不端 Misconduct
70上诉和对国家和地区管理机构的请求 Appeals and requests to a national authority
71国家和地区管理机构的裁决 National authority decisions
72解释 Interpretations
第六章 Part 6报名与资格 Entry and Qualification
75赛事报名 Entering an event
76船或选手的禁赛 Exclusion of boats or competitors
77帆上识别标志 Identification on sails
78遵守级别规定;证书 Compliance with class rules; Certificates
79分类 Categorization
80日程重新排定的赛事 Rescheduled event
第七章 Part 7竞赛组织 Event organization
85规则的更改 Changes to rules
86竞赛规则的更改 Changes to the racing rules
87级别规则的更改 Changes to class rules
88国家和地区规定 National prescriptions
89组织机构;竞赛通知;竞赛官员的任命 Organizing authority; Notice of race; Appointment of race officials
90竞赛委员会;航行细则;计分 Race committee; Sailing instructions; scoring
91抗议委员会 Protest committee
92技术委员会 Technical committee
附录A Appendix A计分 Scoring
A1竞赛轮次 Number of races
A2系列赛的计分 Series scores
A3起航时间和到达终点名次 Starting times and finishing places
A4计分方法 Scoring system
A5竞赛委员会决定的计分 Scores determined by the race committee
A6其他船的名次和分数的变化 Changes in places and scores of other boats
A7单轮竞赛中的平分 Race ties
A8系列赛的平分 Series ties
A9补偿指南 Guidance on redress
A10计分缩写 Scoring abbreviations
附录B Appendix B帆板群发赛规则 Windsurfing fleet racing rules
定义的更改 Changes to the definitions
B1第一章规则的更改 Changes to the rules of Part 1
B2第二章规则的更改 Changes to the rules of Part 2
B3第三章规则的更改 Changes to the rules of Part 3
B4第四章规则的更改 Changes to the rules of Part 4
B5第五章规则的更改 Changes to the rules of Part 5
B6第六章规则的更改 Changes to the rules of Part 6
B7第七章规则的更改 Changes to the rules of Part 7
B8附录A的更改 Changes to Appendix A
B9附录G的更改 Changes to Appendix G
附录C Appendix C对抗赛规则 Match racing rules
C1术语 Terminology
C2对定义及第一、第二、第三和第四章规则的更改 Changes to the definitions and the rules of Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4
C3竞赛信号和相关规则的更改 Race signals and changes to related rules
C4起航前的修改 Requirements before the start
C5现场裁判使用的信号 Signals by umpires
C6船的抗议和补偿要求 Protests and requests for redress by boats
C7惩罚方法 Penalty system
C8现场裁判发起的判罚 Penalties initiated by umpires
C9要求补偿或重新审理;上诉;其他程序 Requests for redress or reopening; Appeals; Other proceedings
C10计分 Scoring
C11平分 Ties
附录D Appendix D队赛规则 Team racing rules
D1竞赛规则的修改 Changes to the racing rules
D2现场裁决的竞赛 Umpired races
D3一轮竞赛的计分 Scoring a race
D4一场赛事的计分 Scoring an event
D5当组织机构提供的船发生损坏时 Breakdowns when boats are supplied by the organizing authority
附录E Appendix E无线电遥控船竞赛规则 Radio sailing race rules
E1对定义、术语以及规则第一章、第二章和第七章的更改 Changes to the definitions, terminology and the rules of Parts 1, 2, and 7
E2竞赛时的附加规则 Additional rules when racing
E3竞赛组织 Conduct of a race
E4规则第四章 Rules of Part 4
E5有观察员和现场裁判的竞赛 Racing with observers and umpires
E6抗议和要求补偿 Protests and requests for redress
E7惩罚 Penalties
E8附录G的更改,帆上标识 Changes to Appendix G, identification on sails
附录F Appendix F风筝板竞赛规则 Kiteboarding sailing race rules
定义的更改 Changes to the definitions
F2对规则第二章的更改 Changes to the rules of Part 2
F3对规则第三章的更改 Changes to the rules of Part 3
F4对规则第四章的更改 Changes to the rules of Part 4
F5对规则第五章的更改 Changes to the rules of Part 5
F7对规则第七章的更改 Changes to the rules of Part 7
F8对附录A的更改 Changes to Appendix A
F9对附录G的更改 Changes to Appendix G
附录G Appendix G帆上标识 Identification on sails
G1世界帆联级别的帆船 World sailing class boats
G2其他帆船 Other boats
G3租借的船 Chartered or loaned boats
G4警告和惩罚 Warnings and penalties
G5级别规则所做的更改 Changes by class rules
附录G Appendix H服装和器材的称重 Weighting clothing and equipment
附录J Appendix J竞赛通知和航行细则 Notice of race and sailing instructions
J1竞赛通知的内容 Notice of race contents
J2航行细则的内容 Sailing instruction contents
附录M Appendix M对抗议委员会的建议 Recommendations for protest committees
M1前期工作 Preliminaries
M2审理前 Before the hearing
M3审理 The hearing
M4重新审理 Reopening a hearing
M5自由裁量的判罚 Discretionary penalties
M6品行不端 Misconduct
M7上诉 Appeals
M8图像证据 Photographic evidence
附录N Appendix N国际仲裁委员会 International juries
N1构成、任命和组织 Composition, appointment and organization
N2责任 Responsibilities
N3程序 Procedures
N4品行不端 Misconduct
附录P Appendix P规则42的特殊程序 Special procedures for rule 42
P1观察员和程序 Observers and procedure
P2判罚 Penalties
P3推迟、全召或放弃 Postponement, general recall or abandonment
P4补偿的限制 Redress limitation
P5O旗和R旗 Flags O and R
附录R Appendix R上诉和申请程序 Procedures for appeals and requests
附录S Appendix S标准航行细则 Standard sailing instructions
附录T Appendix T仲裁调解 Arbitration
T1赛后惩罚 Post-race penalties
T2调解仲裁会议 Arbitration meeting
T3调解仲裁的意见 Arbitrator's option
T4调解仲裁会议的结果 Arbitration meeting outcomes
网站联系:黄山 Shan Huang (NJ, CHNSH2),+86 13922119715,shan@wilsonhuang.cn